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Rudi Kershaw.

Programmer, Science Nerd, Skeptic

This is my website. It is a place for me to write, experiment with new technologies, apply my craft, and show off my work. This is where I show-case my activities, and where I talk about what interests me. Please feel free to look around.

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Software Best Practice?

Article thumbnail for 'Software Best Practice?' by Rudi Kershaw

I spent some time trying to find the evidence that supports best practices in software development. I didn't like what I found.

My Articles

Article thumbnail for 'Nature vs Technology' by Rudi Kershaw

Most Viewed - Last 7 Days

Nature vs Technology

Is nature really at odds with science and technology? The ramblings of a science enthusiast gone camping.

Software Best Practice?

Article thumbnail for 'Software Best Practice?' by Rudi Kershaw

I spent some time trying to find the evidence that supports best practices in software development. I didn't like what I found.

On Being Stuck

Article thumbnail for 'On Being Stuck' by Rudi Kershaw

How we programmers get ourselves out of a rut isn't just a useful skill. It defines how productive we are at the highest level.

Git Hooks and Java Projects

Article thumbnail for 'Git Hooks and Java Projects' by Rudi Kershaw

From hearing about everyone's project setups it seems Git hooks are widely under-utilised. I believe we can do better.

There Is No AI Apocalypse

Article thumbnail for 'There Is No AI Apocalypse' by Rudi Kershaw

A lot of very smart people seem to believe that AI is going to kill us all if we're not careful. Here's why they're wrong.

A Year & 20 Something Books

Article thumbnail for 'A Year & 20 Something Books' by Rudi Kershaw

A little over a year ago I set myself the goal of reading a book every 2 weeks, and this is what I learned and how it went.

Grokking RSA Encryption

Article thumbnail for 'Grokking RSA Encryption' by Rudi Kershaw

Finally put in the effort to really understand public key encryption in the form of RSA. Hopefully this helps you too.

Anomaly Detection

Article thumbnail for 'Anomaly Detection' by Rudi Kershaw

A machine learning example and explanation of an anomaly detection system for detecting suspicious user activity.

Visual Agnosia Hypothesis

Article thumbnail for 'Visual Agnosia Hypothesis' by Rudi Kershaw

Reading Oliver Sacks' on agnosia got me thinking about how artificial neural networks process images.

A Tour of AI

Article thumbnail for 'A Tour of AI' by Rudi Kershaw

It's easy to feel like modern AI is just magic. It isn't, and here is how it works and what all the buzz words mean.

Nature vs Technology

Article thumbnail for 'Nature vs Technology' by Rudi Kershaw

Is nature really at odds with science and technology? The ramblings of a science enthusiast gone camping.

Which Search Algorithm? - Part 2

Article thumbnail for 'Which Search Algorithm? - Part 2' by Rudi Kershaw

The 2nd of a two part series on searching algorithms. This article covers depth and breadth first searches.


Article thumbnail for 'Whichpet' by Rudi Kershaw

Whichpet is a Javascript library for classifying text descriptions into labels. In this case pet descriptions and the type of pets.

The Trouble with Science

Article thumbnail for 'The Trouble with Science' by Rudi Kershaw

Science is how we know what is true and what is not. This article covers the biggest problems that science faces right now.

Event Driven Java EE7

Article thumbnail for 'Event Driven Java EE7' by Rudi Kershaw

After discovering event based annotations I talk through a quick review of the ways to use event driven programming in Java EE7.

Which Search Algorithm? - Part 1

Article thumbnail for 'Which Search Algorithm? - Part 1' by Rudi Kershaw

The first of a two part series on searching algorithms. This article covers exhaustive search and binary search.

Defining an Algorithm 3

Article thumbnail for 'Defining an Algorithm 3' by Rudi Kershaw

The third of a series of posts on interpreting Donald Knuth's famous volumes; The Art of Computer Programming.

Upgrading This Website

Article thumbnail for 'Upgrading This Website' by Rudi Kershaw

After months of inactivity I upgraded this site to use JavaEE, Spring boot, as well as a MySQL database for some fun extras.

Defining an Algorithm 2

Article thumbnail for 'Defining an Algorithm 2' by Rudi Kershaw

The second of a series of posts on interpreting Donald Knuth's famous volumes; The Art of Computer Programming.

HTTP Basics

Article thumbnail for 'HTTP Basics' by Rudi Kershaw

Having realised that I didn't know anywhere near enough about HTTP, I put this together as a reference. Have a read.

Taking Typesetting Seriously

Article thumbnail for 'Taking Typesetting Seriously' by Rudi Kershaw

In 'Taking Typesetting Seriously' I talk about the @font-face css and how you can declare custom fonts for your website.

Defining an Algorithm

Article thumbnail for 'Defining an Algorithm' by Rudi Kershaw

The first of a series of posts on interpreting Donald Knuth's famous volumes; The Art of Computer Programming.